The Benefits of Promotional Products and How They Grow Your Business
George Washington was not just the first president of the United States of America. He wasn’t just a great leader with an incredible vision about what the U.S was and could become if its principles were upheld. He wasn’t just the man who wrote a farewell address that has inspired generations of politicians and historians […]
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The Role of Postcards in Direct Mail and Today’s Digital Marketing
It begins with an idea that seems rudimentary today but was at some point quite innovative and groundbreaking when it came to reaching new customers. How do you reach new customers? How do you get to them and how do you make an impression? Postcards are a classic form of marketing seeing a revival in […]
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Printing Promotional Materials and Our New UCJV300-130 Wide Format Printer
Let people get to know your business. Make an impression. Be remembered. First, you have to be seen. Visibility is important for branding and for name recognition. People trust what they recognize and the more you get yourself out there, the better. Promotional materials have a long history that is closely intertwined with the history […]
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How to Appeal to a Wider Audience with a Bold and Original Flyer
The rise of advertisement has its roots in the early part of the twentieth century. From its beginnings, it was clear that people responded and often exhibited strong reactions to images and words paired together. An advertisement has always been, in a sense, a type of argument, an idea encapsulated through image and the power […]
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How the Print Shop Changed the Course of History
Despite the fact that many things are now handled through digital means, a print shop still holds tremendous value in our society. It is a place where important print documents come to life. This might be posters, banners, flyers, or other documents that we encounter on any given day. There was a time though, where […]
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